Receipt Book Company


PHONE  01442 258707

Unfortunately due to stock issues we have taken the quantities off from the website, we hope to rectify this as soon as we can. Please give us a call if you would like more information or help in regards to these envelopes.

Jewellery Repair Envelopes

Exclusive to The Receipt Book, these repair envelopes has many advantages over other repair handling systems. Available in 2 sizes.

  • The top copy acts as your easy to read original file of all records
  • The second copy in yellow is a carbonless Customer Claim Receipt of all details EXCEPT CUSTOMER NAME AND ADDRESS. This helps prevent fraudulent claims by finders of lost receipts
  • Third copy is on the Repair Envelope ensuring all details are with the item itself, the envelope can be re-sealed securely several times.
  • Can be numbered sequentially for easy filing.
  • A disclaimer statement helps limit liability for difficult repairs and unclaimed items. 
  • The copies are on carbonless paper

For repeat orders - please state EXACT REPEAT (no need to fill out form). 

Size: W: 107mm x H: 185mm (Small)

Size: W: 145mm x H: 185mm (Large)

Select Options

Cost (VAT Exclusive) £180.00


Please note - This product is Overprinted onto our base stock - therefore the body of the forms cannot be altered.